dérive (n.)lit. "drift"; a spontaneous journey where the traveller leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them.


Well hello there!

Welcome to this unique space where we can come together as travelers, moved by the internal and external landscape of this life .My hope is that this space inspires you, intrigues you, and ignites words of your own!

Thanks for stopping by!



I love almond mylk.

I love it in all its forms, foreign and domestic. (cue emotional patriotic music)

But there is something special about a batch of homemade mylk. Below you will find some tips on how to utilize the beauty of the nut…any nut…but especially the almond.

Love is patient: Soak 1 cup of raw almonds in fresh water for 8 hours

Drain and Rinse almonds with fresh water. (*important to get rid of dirty water!)

Add soaked almonds to a blender with 4 cups of fresh water.

Blend on high for 1-2 minutes until foamy.

Strain the pulp from the liquid with a mylk bag or fine mesh strainer.

Viola! refrigerate your almond mylk in a glass container for 1-2 weeks or freeze into cubes.

Love is not jealous: If you prefer store-bought almond mylk that’s great!…try to select one with the fewest ingredients to avoid allergens and inflammatory-causing additives. My favorites are Malk, NewBarn, and Elmhurst.

Love keeps no record of being wronged: If the Mylk you created is sub-par think about adding vanilla bean, dates, or another flavoring of choice. *Substituting Coconut water in Lieu of fresh water makes it naturally sweet and flavorful!

Love endures through every circumstance: Almond mylk can be added to so much! Warm, cold, savory, sweet, soups, smoothies, try it all!

Here are ||| (three) of my favorite drinks to make with mylk.


|. Coffee


8oz french press, drip, cold brew

4oz Mylk

1 Tbs honey

or for a latte:

8oz Mylk

4oz Espresso

1 Tbs honey


Prepare coffee of choice and add any sweetener/flavors.

Shake almond Mylk and prepare (heat/foam/ or pour over ice).

Combine ingredients together with a spoon or blend.


||. Hot Cocoa


2 tbs chopped chocolate or 1Tbs Cacao

1 tbs maple syrup

8-12 oz Mylk


Heat Mylk on the stove and stir in chocolate and maple.

or add all ingredients to a blender.


|||. Adaptogenic Tonic


12oz Mylk

1-2 Tsp Adaptogens (brands such as moon juice and four sigmatic offer remixed blends)

Optional: 1 tsp of maple/honey/date for sweetness


Heat Mylk on the stove and blend with adaptogens in a blender.

Or add all ingredients to a milk frother.

Enjoy your drink of almond dreams!



Lauren Kauffman

Lauren Kauffman

Can the Law of Attraction fix everything?

Can the Law of Attraction fix everything?