dérive (n.)lit. "drift"; a spontaneous journey where the traveller leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them.


Well hello there!

Welcome to this unique space where we can come together as travelers, moved by the internal and external landscape of this life .My hope is that this space inspires you, intrigues you, and ignites words of your own!

Thanks for stopping by!

Mallory Chapman

Mallory Chapman

Mallory is a Mindset coach that specializes in helping female entrepreneurs start, grow and manage their mindset so they can live their fullest potential both in and out of their businesses.  

When she isn’t changing lives she travels as much as possible and finds herself in nature. When in Canada, she enjoys surfing the bow river, hiking, or snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains with her husband & friends. 

She is considered a ‘human potential’ enthusiast, “I literally geek-out over the brain and behavior and how we can maximize our existence through exploring what our strengths and blocks are.”

Find Mallory on Instagram or check out her website.


What are a few words that come to mind when you think about success?

I've had a funny relationship with the word Success and it took me almost my entire life to figure out what it means to me instead of being influenced and driven by the external worlds version of success. 

Success to me is courageously approaching life as not a pass or fail, just to simply experience all of it... the good, the bad and the ugly with an open mindset. That's tough, especially because I'm easily driven by achievement, I'm competitive and love "winning". When I let that part of me be the single driver of my definition of success I burn out and often do things that aren't aligned with my values. 

Success is having the balance of staying true to my own needs, to make time to do the things that fill my soul up but still strive for what I want in my life with an open mind. 

How do you navigate the concept of balance in your life?

I really hate the word balance, because I think it leads us to a place of trying to achieve "perfect" homeostasis in our lives which isn't possible. 

Balance to me is about feeling good with where you are at, with what you are committing to. Which could mean sacrificing your time, relationship, energy or resources temporarily for something or someone else. It's about communicating your needs clearly and coming to a mutual understanding with those who are effected. If you think about when you feel "unbalanced" it's usually because we are accommodating others needs or demands outside of what we want or need to be doing which causes conflict. So either you need to communicate to yourself that you temporarily need to accommodate this demand or need that is outside of what you want to be doing or you need to communicate to the person who will be effected when you say no or can't do what they are asking.  

What does it feel like to “Let go”. 

Scary at times but freeing as ****. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach, a volcano erupting inside of you, and feeling like you're floating at the same time. There is so much duality in letting go, there's fear and freedom in the same action and mindset. It's incredible. 

What are some routines that ground you or fuel you?

SURFING. However.... because I don't live on or near an ocean (yet).... what's most important to me to ground and centre myself is to connect to nature and be incredibly present in it. This could be a walk and just taking a moment to sit, to touch the soil or take my shoes off and feel the flow of the river, or feel the sun on my face, breath in the fresh air and just be. 

For routines, I do a self guided Chakra balancing meditation once a week, Yoga Nidra every night, journal at least 3 times per week and sing Mantras every morning. I walk or do a movement practice every single day to get my body moving. 


How has your concept of identity shifted through work, marriage, setbacks…?

Good question, I think it's taken me a while to get here but my identity isn't defined by what I do or the roles I play in my life. My identity is who I am, inherently as I was born. That doesn't mean my identity doesn't get challenged through major events or setbacks in life. It's a lot of work to not let those external events become part of who you are but it's so important to me not to. 

What questions make you anxious? (that others ask or you ask yourself)?

I don't know actually, I feel like I"m a pretty open book hahah! 

How has your life & experience informed your definition of beauty?

Beauty and I have had a bumpy road together haha! Every person on this planet I'm sure can relate. Growing up I was heavily influenced by pop culture and based my definition of beauty 100% on what you look like and how you present yourself to others. Through years of working through disordered eating patterns and shitty self esteem I think beauty is in the rawness of something. Completely unchanged and as is. This could be the personality you once were ashamed of, your curly hair you used to want to trade in for straight hair, your lumpy cellulite filled ass, your scarred legs. Embrace it in it's most natural raw form. I also think beauty is messy. It's the experiences you have had to endure that have created the beauty in your life today.      

A song that currently sparks joy?

Is there a place that holds memories of growth?

SO MANY! I'll narrow it down though. A lot of the time I spent in Nicaragua in 2017-2018....the breakthroughs I had in that time frame in the ocean on my surfboard were absolutely life altering in the best way. It was right after I had sold a business that meant the world to me and found myself in that uncomfortable "transition" period in life. Bali in 2018 at Yoga Teacher Training for very obvious reasons, it's Yoga Teacher Training you get cracked wide open and lay it all out on the table haha. Kauai is another one, I got married there so it holds a very special place in my heart and every time we go back I'm reminded of that incredible day and get to make amazing new memories. 

You had quite a career in psychology before you launched your own wellness brand. What purpose does it serve for you today? 

Psychology is still a very integral part of what I offer today in my coaching practice. Although I'm no longer working as a counsellor in our justice system in Canada, I use my background in psychology and integrate the schools of thought, tools and techniques from psychology into my mindset coaching practice today. I really believe that your mindset (conscious and subconscious) is a key element in any success in your life. 

Thanks Mallory!

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