dérive (n.)lit. "drift"; a spontaneous journey where the traveller leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them.


Well hello there!

Welcome to this unique space where we can come together as travelers, moved by the internal and external landscape of this life .My hope is that this space inspires you, intrigues you, and ignites words of your own!

Thanks for stopping by!

Where do broken hearts go?

Where do broken hearts go?

Where do I take sadness?

Do I try to find a river to pour it into, hoping it drifts down and settles amongst the moss instead of my bones?

Do I sing it out loud and high, hoping it floats up past the clouds instead of linger in between this thought and the next?

Do I find a silly time with a silly friend and try to laugh until it moves out of my gut into somewhere far less-noticeable, like my toes?

Do I verbalize and analyze until the tears become like numbers in an equation, like factors in a formula?

No, I prefer a far less-traveled approach but perhaps common amongst the greatest of poets and artists. I hunt it down like a beagle in the woods, try to get as close as possible and then linger— staring, touching and dissecting. Then, I take all the bits and bobs and try to spin it, like golden thread, into something beautiful. Then the sadness transforms and I'm not just a mourner or sojourner, lost amongst the emotion, I am an artist— a maker and creator. Then I thank that misunderstood sadness and realize I can take anything and make it beautiful and perhaps, this is a nod to my creator who takes all things and makes them beautiful. I am not just a human experiencing and coping, I am a created being mirroring and worshiping my creator.

What started as groans of grief ended up being songs of worship and praise sung with the very limbs of my life.

Perhaps, sincerity.

Perhaps, sincerity.

Life for the ideal, death to the real

Life for the ideal, death to the real