dérive (n.)lit. "drift"; a spontaneous journey where the traveller leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them.


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Welcome to this unique space where we can come together as travelers, moved by the internal and external landscape of this life .My hope is that this space inspires you, intrigues you, and ignites words of your own!

Thanks for stopping by!

Brittany Driscoll

Brittany Driscoll

Brittany is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Squeeze, a new massage concept from the founders of Drybar. Squeeze opened its flagship doors this month on Ventura Blvd in Studio City. Prior to launching Squeeze, Brittany spent four years running marketing for Drybar where she helped take the company from $30M to more than $100M. She also opened more than 50 new shops and launched the Drybar product line internationally, as well as in Sephora, Ulta and Nordstrom.
Before Drybar, Brittany spent nearly a decade in marketing and advertising at agencies. Brittany is a professed country music devotee & is fueled by the support of her husband, Jack. When Brittany is not kicking butt and taking names, she can be found on the outskirts of Malibu, near the ocean.

Connect with Britt through Instagram

What are a few words that come to mind when you think about success?

Freedom and discomfort. There's nothing more liberating than achieving your goals and accomplishing your dreams, but it certainly doesn't come without extending yourself beyond what you think you're capable of and trying things you've never done before. Success is only possible if you have a growth mindset, which is both incredibly fulfilling and daunting at the same time. But my philosophy has always been, better to take the risk than wonder what if...

How do you navigate the concept of balance in your life?

It's tough, but I prioritize self-care as I find I'm the best version of myself when I do. I have a pretty set routine and have established habits that keep my mind, body and soul healthy. 

What are some routines that ground you or fuel you?

I'm an early riser. The morning is both peaceful and exciting to me - so much opportunity ahead and yet, if you allow yourself time, you can take a beat to breath. I wake up at 5am everyday and pray, meditate and write in a gratitude journal. This practice has really grounded me in a way I hadn''t experienced until I made it a habit. And I try to sweat everyday. I always say working out is great for the body, better for the mind.

Do you value Mind Body Soul connection? If so, what does that look like? If not, how do you navigate your internal wellbeing?

Yes, absolutely. I would say the biggest driver of my internal wellbeing is a positive, grateful perspective. It changes everything. There's been studies done that show you can't be angry and grateful at the same time. So it's about choosing gratitude and joy, everyday even in the hard moments. Actually, especially in the hard moments. I find it easier to practice this internal perspective when I'm good to my body - giving it the right nutrients, sweating, stretching... it's all tied together. Health is wealth. If you're not taking care of your body, everything else will eventually crumble. I'm a big believer in that.

How has your concept of identity shifted through work, marriage, setbacks…?

That's a great question. I've always had a strong faith and my ultimate identity rests in my belief that I'm a child of God. Finding success in work and even in marriage is amazing and wonderful, but I don't think those things thrive without knowing who you are at your core first, separate from any of those things. I think our highest use as people is to impact each other for the better. Our experiences, especially our setbacks, give us the chance to connect, encourage and uplift each other on the deepest, most human level and to me, that's what defines a purpose-driven life.

What questions make you anxious? (which others ask or you ask yourself)

I'm an achiever at my core. The things that make me anxious are tied to performance and people's perception of the outcome. I want to excel in what I put my mind to, and while that drive has served me well, it's both a blessing and a curse. 

How has your life informed your definition of beauty?

In people, beauty shines from the inside out. The most beautiful people I know are also the kindest, most generous, and grounded in spirit. But there's nothing quite like God's touch on nature. The most beautiful place to me is the ocean. It's majestic and I think there's no greater piece of work on earth.

A song that currently sparks joy?

Dancing in the Moonlight by King Harvest. I LOVE that song. It makes me so happy any time it comes on.

Is there a place that holds memories of growth?

The ocean. I make it a point to get to the ocean at least once every other week. I contemplate the big stuff and also rest in its vastness. Any major decision or life change hasn't happened without me breathing in the ocean air.

Dis-ease: What do I "do"?

Dis-ease: What do I "do"?